Saturday, April 28, 2012

Facial Cleansing Wipes: Sephora vs. Yes To...

Removing makeup is very important to a daily skincare regime. Before going to the gym, tanning, bed... The obvious way to cleanse your skin would be with a facial soap and water. Sometimes, it's not this easy, especially when you're on the road. Before going to the gym, I often choose to use a cleansing wipe to free my skin of pore-clogging makeup, while leaving eye-makeup so that I don't look like a 12-year-old (you know you're nastying up your pores 20-fold by sweating in makeup!!).

I've been using the Sephora Brand Express Cleansing Wipes for a while now and recently received Yes To Blueberries Brightening Facial Towlettes in my monthly Birchbox. Each product has its own pros and cons. Which one is right for you? Find out more after the jump.


The Sephora express cleansing wipes come in a pack of 25 and cost $9.00. These wipes are biodegradable and are designed to remove all types of makeup, including long-wearing formulas, and is made with HydroSenn+, described by Sephora as "a natural ingredient proven to deliver immediate and long-lasting hydration more effectively than hyaluronic acid."

Sephora express cleansing wipes

The Yes To Blueberries wipes includes 30 wipes, costing $7.99 from Birchbox. Made with a blend of natural fruit extracts, and designed to be oil-free and hypoallergenic, these wipes are biodegradable. Boasting high levels of Vitamin C, thanks to the blueberry extracts, these wipes promise to even out skin tone and defend against free radicals.

yes to blueberries

  • Both towlettes have a similar texture, and were equally moist. 
  • The smell of the Sephora wipe is nice, emitting a nice cleansing smell, and is not overly fragrant. The smell of the Yes To Blueberries wipes was very distinct: there wasn't an overwhelming blueberry smell, but it did have a lemon-[and possibly blueberry]-sweet-cake smell. The smell was nice, but a little distracting, kind of making me want desert.
  • The Sephora wipes were very, very moisturizing (thanks to the HydroSenn+ perhaps?), noticeably more than the Yes To Blueberries wipes. I still applied a light moisturizer in the end, but that could be just out of habit, not sure that it's necessary. 
  • My overly sensitive skin was not irritated by either wipe, which is a major plus to both! 
  • Both were very effective at removing my "long-lasting" makeup 
  • Although it isn't necessary, I always use the wipe, then rinse, ring-out, and wipe again with water. It seems that the liquid on the towlette and my removed makeup rinse out best from the Sephora wipe best. Take from that what you would like. 
  • The Sephora wipes cost $0.36 per wipe, while the Yes To Blueberries wipes cost $0.27 each.
Both towelettes worked, neither having any outstanding issues. Bottom line, though, I preferred the Sephora express cleansing wipes, mostly because the smell wasn't as distracting and it left my face feeling more moisturized. But, if price is your thing, the Yes To Blueberries wipes are definitely worth your time!

For more information, visit Sephora or Birchbox's informative product pages.

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