Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Just Desserts: Homemade Turtles

For Valentine's Day, I felt like doing something a little special for my husband [okay, maybe for my own benefit, too...]. Back around Christmas I stumbled across directions to make your own homemade turtles (the candies, yum!). The first time around, it didn't go as well as planned, but I decided to give it another try, lining up a few new techniques. I'm very pleased to announce that they came out great!!

Ingredients you'll need:

8 oz pecan halves
1 package Kraft caramel candies
1/2 tablespoon milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
6 oz dark chocolate chips [half of a typical bag]

Note: you will need 1 cube of caramel, plus 5 (a buffer you'll be happy to have later) for each cluster of pecans. This is about half of a package of caramels, but if you can buy them individually, go for it.

Set out a strip of wax or parchment paper. Spray very heavily with cooking spray. This is very important. If you don't put down an extremely thick layer, the caramel will stick to the paper and you will hate yourself later for not listening. Seriously. Depending on the size of your pecans, arrange clusters of 3 to 5; I advise keeping it bite sized.

Arranged in clusters of 3 to 4.
In a small saucepan, combine unwrapped caramels (1 for every cluster of pecans, plus about 5 as a buffer), milk, and vanilla over medium heat. Stir constantly, do not let the caramels burn. Once smooth, remove from stove and drip, pour, or spoon over the pecan clusters. If the caramel begins to harden and becomes hard to maneuver, return the saucepan to the stove just long enough to get the caramel fluid again. Let it stand at least 30 minutes until cool [seriously, I skipped this step the first time and regretted it].

Melted caramel, yum!

Action shot.
Pour 6 oz (half of a typical bag) of dark chocolate chips in to a glass bowl. Melt: I microwaved the bowl on a power of 6 for 2 minutes, stirred, then repeated. The chocolate can then be spooned over the clusters.

Action shot. 
Optional step: I thoroughly enjoy a sweet 'n salty combination. I elect to take a salt grinder set on course to top the chocolate with a little fresh salt. Very nice.

Unsalted on left, Salted on right.

The chocolate takes quite a while to cool. Don't bother messing with them until they lose the wet glossiness of melted chocolate. If you mess with them too soon you'll end up with fingerprints in the chocolate, which looks gross!

These are absolutely delicious! They are pretty hard to share :)

Happy Valentine's Day!

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